HL-AR (CID1) Series
HLRM (CID2) Series
Datasheet | Product |
HLRS (CID2) Series
Datasheet | Product |
ELLF (CID2) Series
The HL-ELLF SERIES is a uniqely flexible LED Class I Divison 2
high-output modular flood fixture. Three optical distributions and independently pivoting modules
allow them to outperform high-wattage HID lamps in a variety of applications. External drivers
powers each module individually to give the fixture flexible profile and low EPA. They mount using
an arch yoke, high bay bracket, or a pole tenon accessory for multiple applications where flammable
gases or vapors may produce explosive or ignitable mixtures. Ideal for general area illumination in
harsh and hazardous locations like oil refineries, gasoline storage, and dispensing areas.
Datasheet | Product |
HL-LB (CID2) Series
The explosion proof HL-LB SERIES provides long-lasting and reliable
security illumination for Class II Division 1 spaces where combustible dust exists, as well as other
harsh and hazardous locations. Consuming 50 percent less energy than traditional jelly jar fixtures,
the HL-LB enhances safety in areas with large amounts of foot traffic, such as walkways, doorways,
scaffolding and emergency call stations.
Datasheet | Product |
HLRS (CID2) Series
Datasheet | Product |
HL-LI (CID1) Series
HL-WP (CID2) Series